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Collapsible Negel Vasser | The Washer Cup | Folding kvort and shissel |Foldable hand washing

The Washer Cup. Foldable and collaplsible. The collapsible Negel Vasser also known as the collaspible kvort and shissel is a game-changer.

It easily collapses into a smaller size, allowing you to save space in your home or travel bag. No more bulky bowls & cups taking up unnecessary room.

Travel Friendly: For those who travel or are on the go, the collapsible Negel Vassers portable design allows you to easily pack it in your suitcase, perfect for flying, or packing for your kids camps.

Durable: Collapsible Negel Vasser's are made from durable materials that can withstand frequent use. They are designed to be sturdy and resilient, ensuring they can withstand the rigors of daily washing without easily breaking or wearing out.

Engaging: By incorporating playfulness into the process, the collapsible Negel Vasser set provides children with an enjoyable and interactive experience while they learn about and fulfill the Mitzvah.